As a strategic partner of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy (MIMIT), the Operational Support for Public Administration Unit provides specialized, multidisciplinary assistance in processing complex applications and administrative procedures. Through detailed analysis, it monitors incoming requests, ensuring regulatory compliance, and efficient case management.
Key activities include verifying document compliance, tracking the progress of applications, and the timely identification of potential issues. Additionally, the Unit offers user support, providing technical and administrative assistance to facilitate interactions between citizens, stakeholders, and the Public Administration.
The Unit is structured into two specialized operational functions:
- Support for MIMIT-DGTEL – Assists the Directorate General for Digitalization and Telecommunications (DGTEL) within MIMIT in the administrative and technical management of applications. This includes regulatory compliance analysis, document verification, and progress tracking. The function collaborates with other FUB Units, such as the Digital Transformation and IT Services Unit, to ensure optimal functionality of IT systems. This synergy optimizes workflows, and promotes the adoption of efficient digital solutions.
- Support for MIMIT-UIBM – Focuses on the activities of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) within MIMIT. Its primary objective is to support UIBM in managing applications concerning industrial property, with a particular emphasis on patents. Activities include providing technical and legal assistance in administrative proceedings, verifying regulatory requirements, and managing dedicated technological infrastructures. The function also coordinates with the Directorate General for Internal and Financial Services (DGSIF) to supervise IT infrastructures, and participates in international working groups to promote industrial property rights.
Through these two functions, the Operational Support for Public Administration Unit serves as a valuable resource for MIMIT, facilitating the integrated management of processes, and enhancing administrative efficiency, aligning with the Public Administration’s digital transformation and innovation objectives.