The Project aims at scientific collaboration for the evolutionary development of the Tuscany Region’s 5G and Innovative Technologies Competence Centre, as an ecosystem for the development of projects capable of combining the technological competences of the public research system on the topics of 5G and related technologies and cybersecurity with the needs of the manufacturing fabric of the regional territory in order to support the experimentation and application of new functional solutions for the digital transformation processes of production, as well as to promote the implementation of local vertical networks, with a focus on start-ups and innovative SMEs. The objective of the Competence Centre is also to facilitate the presence of companies, offering them a physical space and the necessary resources in terms of skills to develop ideas, experiment with new technologies and transfer knowledge so that they can collect the greatest benefits from digital transformation.
In particular, the project included the following phases of activities, in which the Foundation acts in support of the Region:
- continuation of the scientific coordination of the Competence Centre, selection and supervision of research projects;
- conducting the activities of the Competence Centre, both through the scientific co-organisation of dissemination seminars and through the provision of an expert/technician as an interface for dissemination actions in the territory aimed at specific targets of enterprises;
- carrying out a feasibility study to foster the establishment of territorial 5G networks for certain vertical sectors of regional interest;
- integration of cybersecurity-related activities with those related to 5G and related technologies in order to capitalise on the results of the C3T Competence Centre’s work and plan joint actions towards Tuscan companies;
- analysis of spatial data using Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms.
FSC Funding
The project is co-funded by the Tuscany Region under the New Development and Cohesion Plan FSC, for a total amount of Euro 352,000.