The project involves the implementation of three activities:
- support for the 5G Communication Plan (Activity A);
- technical and scientific support for the coordination of activities carried out by the Case delle Tecnologie emergenti (CTEs) funded by the PSC (Activity B);
- support for the following topics (Activity C):
- prominence of audiovisual media services and digital radio services of general interest impacted by the deployment of new telecommunications networks and innovative services;
- broadcasting the television signal via the Internet using IP protocol;
- quantum computing evolution and development for use in industrial applications;
- evolution towards 6G technologies.
Concerning Activity A, i.e. the support in the implementation of communication actions on the topic of 5G, the project involves the preparation of technical-scientific material, constantly updated throughout the duration of the project, to be used for the implementation of the training and information campaign. The project also involves support to the DGSCERP in the verification and validation of the technical and scientific accuracy of the contents that will be adapted for dissemination purposes by third parties, communication experts, identified by the Directorate itself. Finally, the FUB will support the dissemination activities organised by the DGSCERP, participating with its own experts in the field and collaborating in the promotion of the communication campaign. With regard to Activity B, the project involves that the Steering Committee, identified by the FUB and composed of FUB researchers, will support MIMIT in the following activities: coordination and harmonisation of the initiatives carried out within the individual centres; support for the definition and development of the projects to be carried out within the centres; and monitoring of the progress and results obtained by the individual projects carried out within these centres. Finally, with regard to Activity C, the project involves the creation of an Observatory for each identified topic of interest, with the aim of producing in-depth studies for use by the DGSCERP.
2023 Activities
In order to achieve the project objectives, with regard to Activity A, during the first half of 2023, the FUB carried out a series of studies and scientific investigations with the aim of producing content in preparation for a communication campaign on 5G, aimed at promoting network deployment and targeting both local administrators and the general public. The approach of the documents produced is therefore informative, using a language that is as accessible as possible to the wide audience of non-specialists interested in the development of 5G. Two documents were therefore produced, the first on the technical and application evolution of 5G networks and services from multiple perspectives, the second on the economic and social impact assessment of 5G, with reference to the Italian economy. During 2023, it is also planned to deepen the study of the state of evolution of 5G networks at national and international level and of the most interesting 5G pilot projects and applications developed in Italy and in foreign countries, with the aim of highlighting the opportunities offered by the development of 5G networks for the implementation of innovative services and, in particular, for the economic, social and environmental development of territories. With regard to Activity B, during the first months of 2023, the activities of the Steering Committee mainly concerned the collection of the CTEs’ documentation and programmes, the analysis of the operational plans proposed by the Houses, and the analysis of the use cases presented by each House where solutions based on emerging technologies and next-generation networks were to be developed. With regard to Activity C, studies and in-depth studies were carried out on the identified topics of interest (Prominence, IPTV, Quantum communications and Evolution of 6G). In particular, in the documents produced in the first half of 2023, an overview of each identified topic of interest was provided and the methodologies and objectives of the observatories were defined.